Virtual Staging
Real Estate | Floor Plans | Videography | Virtual Tours | Aerials | Twilights | Portraits
Virtual staging can help bring out the best in a property by adding context to a vacant interior. Where conventional, physical staging can cost thousands of dollars -- the digital counterpart is mere pennies on the dollar. Using advanced computer editing software, our team can even remove the entire contents of a full room before replacing it with a high-class bedroom set. We complete the look using potted plants, wall art, candles, lamps, table books, blankets/pillows, curtains and even a TV set with speakers... but the uses don't end there!
If your home has a fireplace then we will make it appear lit for the photos; If you were planning to paint before sale but need some extra time, we can digitally change the colors; If there's an incomplete construction project we can faithfully finish it for your images; If the house is still owner-occupied then we can maintain their privacy by erasing personal items from pictures.
Now, you'd be forgiven if the thought of "digital furniture" immediately conjured up images from yesteryear's Clipart, but Studio Vos exclusively utilizes 3D scans of real luxury amenities and appliances to craft a photorealistic look. Use the scroll slider below to get a small sample of what our virtual staging is capable of.
Basic Virtual Staging by AI: $18. Advanced Virtual Staging from humans is $26/image.
Complete room remodels and decluttering prices range based on complexity.